Criminal Injury

We are solicitors helping victims of serious injury, assault and abuse claim compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme

If you’ve been physically or psychologically injured by a violent crime or sexually abused in the last two years you could be entitled to compensation.

GLP Solicitors are one of the UK’s leading experts in Criminal Injuries Compensation Law and can operate on a no win, no fee basis.

Criminal injuries compensation law is a highly specialised area. Not all solicitors have experience in this field.

​The necessary gathering of evidence and the way in which the claim is presented to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority is all important. Equally, it is imperative to have an in depth knowledge of the workings of the scheme and the way in which the CICA will process and deal with the application. GLP has that knowledge and experience that will make a difference.

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​Many thousands of claims are refused by the CICA each year due to the inadequate preparation by the applicant, and a lack of understanding of the Scheme. It is also likely that many people accept an award that is actually too low.

​An expert understanding is needed to ensure that the claim is processed promptly and efficiently and that challenges are made where and when appropriate. Victims might be told that they do not need a solicitor but this is a complex Scheme with many pitfalls. GLP can guide and advise you through the criminal injury claim process.

Criminal Injury Solicitors Manchester

What does “CICA” stand for?

“CICA” stands for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, which is a governmental body in the UK responsible for compensating victims of violent crimes.

Operated by the Ministry of Justice, the CICA aims to provide financial compensation to individuals who have suffered physical or psychological harm due to violent acts when they are unable to seek compensation from other sources, such as the perpetrator directly.

Compensation awards of up to £500,000 can be achieved

The CICA Scheme

We hear how the lives of many innocent adults and children have been drastically affected or seriously disrupted, when they are the victims of crimes of violence and abuse. 

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme is a government program designed to provide some financial compensation to victims of violent crimes. The Scheme aims to offer some financial relief to those who have suffered physical or psychological injuries because of criminal acts, when there is no other route to compensation. 

These are the types of claim
covered by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme:

Sexual Abuse Claims

GLP Solicitors have established themselves as one of the leading law firms advocating for victims of sexual abuse, offering exceptional legal representation and support during some of the most challenging periods in our clients’ lives.

sexual assault claims glp
Sexual Assault Claims

GLP Solicitors have earned a reputation as one of the foremost law firms in advocating for victims of sexual assault, providing unparalleled legal representation and support during some of the most challenging times in our clients’ lives. 

rape compensation claims
Rape Compensation

GLP Solicitors specialises in handling claims related to rape, a deeply sensitive and complex area of law where the emotional impact on survivors is profound. 

Shaken Baby Syndrome

GLP Solicitors is renowned for its expertise in handling claims related to shaken baby syndrome, an area where the stakes are exceptionally high, and the emotional toll on families is profound. 

Brain Injury Compensation

GLP Solicitors have established themselves as one of the most prominent law firms in handling head injury compensation claims due to their extensive experience and specialised expertise in this complex area of law. 

mental injury claims glp
Mental Injury

Our team of specialised lawyers possesses a deep understanding of the unique challenges associated with mental health claims, ranging from psychological trauma due to accidents or assaults to workplace-related stress and PTSD.

fatal claims glp
Fatal Claims

Yes, you can potentially claim compensation for fatal injuries under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) scheme. The CICA recognises the devastating impact that fatal injuries can have on victims’ families and provides compensation to eligible individuals who have lost a loved one as a result of a violent crime.

domestic violence claims
Domestic Violence Claims

The CICA scrutinises domestic violence and abuse claims meticulously, assessing each incident and considering whether it forms part of a broader pattern of abuse over time. They also evaluate the victim’s cooperation with the police during the investigation process.

physical injury claims
Physical Injury Claims

GLP Solicitors demonstrate an unwavering dedication to making a difference in the lives of those affected by physical injuries and assaults, solidifying our position as leaders in this critical field of law.

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